Front shot of Acoustic Rig Big Tone Generator. From top to bottom. Top rack: Monster Power AC Conditioner - filters out all kinds of noise from the AC line plus you can turn everything off and on with just one switch. ADA Digitizer 4 Delay - my main delay repeat hold unit. It is set to very precise time intervals and then I build longer loops from there. TC Electronic M2000 for guitar reverbs TC Electronic M2000 for vocal reverbs. Samson mixing board - very basic just treble and bass (which I leave flat) and volume control. All of my tone shaping is done via the TC Electronic 2240 Parametric EQ units. TC Electronic 1210 Spatial Expander. Top TC Electronic 2240 channel 1 parametric for Trance Audio Lens pickup, TC Electronic 2240 channel 2 for the Sunrise magnetic field pickup. Bottom TC Electronic 2240 parametric EQ channel 1 for Harp Guitar, electric Hamster Cage, Musical saw and Theremin. TC Electronic 2240 parametric EQ channel 2 for vocal microphone. Insert panel for quick cable hook ups (and tear downs). Lower Rack: Furman power conditioner (with lights on, SWEET!) Sabine stereo EQ for house speakers. Mesa Boogie Strategy 500 tube power amp - 250 watts per side of pure beautiful tube tone. Weighs a ton but no matter how many times I try to get away from the tubes I always go back, it just sounds right!

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