Thursday, November 03, 2005
Spandex #2

More spandex. Check out the placement of my wireless guitar transmitter (below my left hand.) I attached to the back of my guitar so it would not get in the way when I threw the guitar up into the air. Once while playing "warm-up act" for the band Styrper I nearly bounced this guitar off the ceiling at Memorial Auditorium and caught it perfectly. Other nights were not so graceful and I would end up catching the guitar after it bounced off of my head or groin (ouch.) I have never, contrary to popular belief, been knocked unconscious while attempting to catch my guitar on the way down. I never ever dropped it, I did miss a few notes doing it though...
Barn Party B&W Photo early 1980's

This shot was taken at a barn party in the early 80's. I remember this gig as being one of the best concerts I had ever played. I think there were maybe twenty people there. I had forgotten my strap and had to play seated the entire time. The guitar was a Dean "ML" I got from Dean Zalinsky personally. This guitar went on to become Dime Bag Darrell's (of Pantera) main axe. I guess I have made more of a mark in rock & roll history than I realize. No wait they shot Dime Bag during concert didnt' they? I did not have anything to do with rock & roll history...
Bill Sutherland onstage with "Spinal Tap" aka Matrix/Bride

This photograph never fails to make me laugh aloud. It looks so much like the legendary rock band "Spinal Tap" one of my biggest influences - second only to "THE OUTERLOOP BAND! (who are actually more like my biggest influenza.) This shot was actually taken one Easter morning at my fathers church (NOT!) Thanks to Scott H. for digging these pictures out of the vault and dusting them off for me.